Commissioning Week : Friday May 18th – Friday May 25th

Source: Fun Annapolis

Commissioning of Annapolis is in full swing. The purpose is to recognize and honor the First Class Midshipmen after completing four years at the Naval Academy. Several events will take place this week inviting parents, friends and other guests to participate along side the graduates. The Blue Angels flight rehearsal, demonstration, color ceremony and graduation ceremony are some of the celebrations that will occur throughout the week. For a complete list of commissioning events and more information click here.

At this time of year, many visitors to Annapolis discover how captivating the city can be and decide to purchase a permanent residence. If I can be of assistance, please reach out and contact me directly. Our city would love to embrace more newcomers, especially those who have strong ties to the Naval Academy!

Brian Jacobs | 301-461-7987