An fabulous Annapolis neighborhood

Wild Rose Shores  is a a community consisting mostly of larger single family homes, many of these waterfront. It is situated on the northern shore of the South River on a peninsula between Crab Creek and Little Aberdeen Creek. Annually, usually in summer season, the community unites for Wild Rose Shores day. In the 1970s and 1980s, Wild Rose Shores Day involved a tournament of horseshoes, diving contest (hosted by different homeowners), softball game and culminated with a collaborative supper at the community lot. If you live in Wild Rose Shores, you have speedy access through Spa Road and Forest Drive to downtown Annapolis and Route 50.  

There are currently 3 homes for sale in Wild Rose Shores. The homes range in price from $1,599,000 —> 2,500,000. 

Click here for a complete list of properties on the market in Annapolis Roads. Contact me directly if I can help you purchase a home in this location or any of the surrounding Annapolis communities.

Brian Jacobs | 301-461-7987

Info source